Where to find gender identity
in teaching materials


Australia-wide overview

The information on this page provides a general Australia-wide overview.

State-specific information

For information specific to your State check our state-specific section and contact us if you can help develop these resources for your State.

Consent education is mandatory for all students kindergarten/prep to year 12 since 2023. How to withdraw your child.

Ask your school to show you any consent education material they plan to use with your child.

Many schools also use external providers to deliver consent education.

  • Knowledge of each person’s biological sex is required before consent can be given to sexual intimacy (eg kissing, hugging, touching, intercourse)
  • Gender identity theory promotes the adoption and acceptance of opposite sex presentations based on the way a person feels
  • Biological sex (not gender identity) is fundamental to sexual activity – sexual anatomy. desire, and biological sex are all inextricably linked
  • Students are taught that it is bigoted and ‘gender-based violence’ if they do not accept someone’s adopted opposite sex identity. This can result in students feeling coerced to consent to sexual intimacy they are not comfortable with. This is not consent.