Teaching Gender Identity in Schools is Harmful
What gender identityis
Gender Identity purports that being a boy/man, girl/woman, both, or neither, is determined solely by a subjective feeling/belief, rather than the objective reality of biological sex.
Gender Identity promotes the process of ‘transitioning’ via name and pronoun change (he/she/they/Ze/Fae etc.), stereotypical clothes, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries to conform with the appearance of one’s adopted sex.
What gender identityis not
Gender Identity is not a sexuality.
Gender Identity is not a fact. It is a controversial theory with no scientific basis or evidence base.
Gender Identity is not a fact and therefore to impose it on others is an act of coercion.
Gender Identity harms healthy psychological development
Healthy psychological development is disrupted when the reality of biology and the fundamental importance of biological sex differences is denied, particularly for immature and developing children’s brains.
Fundamental trust in adults is undermined when children are taught that biology does not determine boyhood or girlhood. Children depend on adults for truth-telling and guidance that is grounded in observable reality.
Resilience is undermined when a child is told the impossible can happen, that is, that they can ‘change sex’. An inevitable crisis looms when the futility of this objective becomes evident.
Intense frustration, hostility & intolerance results when others neither support nor submit to the adoption of a “new” gender identity.
Gender Identity harms mental health
Profound confusion and anxiety ensues when children who are VERY AWARE of their sexed bodies are told that “feelings” determine boyhood or girlhood.
A confusing disconnect between mind and body arises when children are told that their “authentic” self might not match their biological sex. A mind-body disconnect is known to be a precursor to mental ill-health.
Persistent introspection / questioning of identity for young people is at odds with facilitating robust mental health.
Body shame and hatred is amplified when children are told their bodies may be wrong and a ‘more authentic’ option is available (sometimes via harmful medications and surgeries)
Vulnerable and distressed young people who don’t ‘fit in’ are particularly susceptible to the attraction of an alternative identity. This includes distress related to:
- Neurodiversity
- Mental illness
- Poor body image
- Pubertal changes
- Trauma
Gender Identity risks child safeguarding
Child safeguarding is put at risk when children’s confidence is undermined by the instruction not to believe in the truth of the observable reality of sexed bodies.
Self-confidence is further undermined when accurate sex-based language is discouraged due to the offence it may cause.
The confidence to set safe physical boundaries is compromised when children are taught they must go along with a person’s adopted gender identity, for example, in single-sex toilets, change rooms, and sports teams.
Respectful Relationships Education Harms
For harms specific to ‘respectful relationships’ education see the respectful relationships overview.