Sex and Gender Material for Schools

Here are some materials which provide a good starting point for schools and teachers wishing to develop policies, practices and approaches which are not harmful for students.

These are also helpful for parents to consider when speaking with their child’s school about harms to their child and for informing your approaches to policy influences and decision-makers.

We’re keen to add further resources. Please let us know about others of which you are aware.

SexMatters and Transgender Trend Guidance for schools in England

Transgender Trends’s Inclusive Relationships and Sex Education in Schools has been prepared for the UK, however it is uncanny how applicable its review of materials resembles the situation in Australia. This guide provides an excellent summary of the problems with many Sexuality and RRE curricula.

Transgender Trends’s School Resource Pack Supporting gender diverse and trans-identified students in schools is an excellent resource for demonstrating best practices for supporting gender diverse students